Following the trip to the Canaries i returned to England and my job with Freedom. In an ideal world i wouldn't have needed to do this, however it wasn't a good time to leave work and since i quite enjoy my job I figured i could use the extra pounds.
It is certainly very different for me being back here with no boat to occupy my spare time. In a bid to try and save money i decided not to get a place to live (opting in favour of dossing at mates and staying on Oli's little boat when that wasn't possible) however, not really having a base meant alot more socialising, which called for more evening visits to the pub and, go figure, no actual saving of rent money...!
Oli's little boat that's become my second home
I've still been doing a lot of sailing and do get away overseas every couple of weekends. I've caught up with Dan and Paul in France a few times, and as well as Mick and Deb in Sardinia i also managed to be back down to the DB in La Gomera.
Sailing with Steve and Carol on there beautiful Oyster. The couple have probably unwillingly practically adopted me - Poor Carol cook's me meals every other night and in return i get Steve drunk
Paul took 2 weeks away from his superyacht to do some solo sailing round the Canaries and i arrived just after he left. Although i don't have any photo's, both Paul and i were blown away with the condition of the boat. Poor Jess must have spent so much spare time fixing, cleaning and painting every surface before heading back to the US. The DB looks imaculate and if the broker's in Cape Canaveral could see her now they wouldn't believe it was the same boat. Thank you thank you thank you
Other than going back to DB i've had a time playing in France with Paul and Dan. The first trip we made a nice little rendevous just south of La Rochelle. The plan was to help Dan move his boat to the entrance of the canal Du Medi in Bordeaux.

Having been almost a year (ironically also in France) since the 3 of us had been together we had much to celebrate and wasted no time getting off to the pub after arriving in Royan and finding Dan and Ultima Noche. Not surprising after returning to the boat at 2am, we thought it was a great idea to go sailing and cast the lines off for Bordeaux. It was a great trip down and having timed it nicely with the tides we were able to get 9 knots out of little Noche for a while. We partied in Bordeaux and then went on a fun road trip out into the country in search of cheap local wine. It was a fantastic day and to top it off that night at our local waterfront pub, Anna the bartender gave us each a free blowjob (it's a type of shot in France)

About a month later the 3 of us were re-united again this time on the South coast. After meeting Dan in Montpellier we drove out to Paul and his superyacht Mondango, just out of Marseille. It was so much fun, out partying with his crew mates and the next day wining and dining with the luxary yacht's owners Mr and Mrs Gold.
Dan's new facebook photo 'Yeah that's MY boat!'
Although it was a good laugh Paul was very anxious about having the two of us around his £30M yacht and we made tracks to Nice. Following a good night out in Monte Carlo and after getting kicked out of every open night club we found ourselves in a gay bar at 4am, still laughing and talking sailing

Not long left for me now in the UK. Little sis Mon's is coming to town just before christmas then i'm off on a one way ticket back to the boat :-)
I love this blog. So much fun johnny! So now you are going to take a year off? A year at work for a Bruyn is an epic tale of adventure for the rest of us. Have fun at the ocean rowing send off. See ya soon mate.
The history of the vandys and DB still being uncovered online!
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