Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life in Brighton marina

People are often surprised when i tell them i live on a boat. 'Isn't it cold?' Yes, it can be. 'Don't you get bored?' No, actually this boat keeps me so busy i find little time where i'm sitting still. 'How do you manage getting to the showers when its raining?' I get wet. It sounds funny but its almost like cruising again. Coming home from work it really feels like i'm on holiday. You imagine, everyday when i get back to the marina i'm lucky if i make it back to the boat without stopping to chat to someone. Rather than passing strangers and avoiding eye contact, there is that mutual happiness caused by being near the water which always raises a smile and sparks that hello.

Although I have a very awkward berth (difficult to enter with the prevailing wind and one of only a few with a huge pole holding the marina in place) i would never ask to move as i have wonderful neighbours. I have become great friends with a very like minded couple Mick and Debbie, who are always up for a laugh and a beer. Together with the great livaboards in the marina and a regular flow of friends from London and work coming to visit, i'm having an absolute ball.

Next week the DB's on the hard for a month - therefore lots of hard work on the horizon but the reward of a functional humble home at the end of it makes it all worth while. Imagine running water, refrigeration and gas cooking - don't worry i'm not going to get carried away it will still be like the shack ;-)


Mike and Kylie said...

Good for you, Jon boy. Sounds pretty damn close to cruising (except the work thing).
Think of you often, and always glad to hear news from you.
Lots of Carib love,
Kylie and Mike
(and Meggie)

Mike and Debbie said...

Had a great Halloween weekend Jon. Hope you learnt something on Sunday. Can't wait to see the new DB. Hope the alcohol free month goes ok. Frank Sinatra onces quoted-:
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
The Neigbours - Ashby Girl