Sao Pedro festival in Flores (famous Portugal rapper on the stage)

We never made it back to the boat so Pablo slept in wet grass by a cliff

We caught a tuna on the way to Horta - Thanks for the lure Mike!
Our friend Chris´s boat ´Tradition´
The lads at the top of Pico, 2300m with our boats in the background
Sharing some 1 Euro Vino tinto at the top
Walking in Lajes, Flores
Heres some pics of the Azores - We´ve been to 4 of the islands now looking for a place to leave the DB. Absolutely beautiful place with really nice people.
We are now on Terciera, the most NE island here. At this stage we still havent found anywhere to take the boat out but hopefully this week we´ll get it sorted.
Then we´ll probably head back to Horta by ferry and try crew to Europe.
Hope your all well, Jon and Paul
Hey Brothers! I'm glad to see Pablo hasn't changed his ways, and he still feels comfortable sleeping ANYWHERE!!! Two thumbs up for the tuna...she's a beaut. Megs is on the hard at the moment, getting some much needed work done. What we've seen of Grenada we love, but we have yet to explore.
Missing you guys and hope all is well. Get that DB up and running, we're routing for you to get her to Spain!
Oh...Jon...I got a guitar! Have been practicing, we'll jam next time we meet.
Ciao for now.
Kylie and MIke
Hey Jonjon,
Congrats on making it!! What a journey aye? Glad to hear all is well and you guys made it without much incident. Looks like your having the time of your life. Good on ya!
Enjoy your Europe!!
jen, aka island girl :)
I just have to say....my 2 favorite things right now are:
chicken curry with coconut milk
fat freddy's drop
Miss you guys.
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